Monday, May 9, 2011

Beautiful Relationships

Roger Vadim loved Catherine Deneuve.

The result of this love was their son Christian Vadim.
Catherine Deneuve loved Marcello Mastroianni.
U can to read about this love story here(russian version)

(btw I didn't know that roots of Mastroianni are jewish and
The result of this lova was their daughter Chiara Mastroianni

 Roger Vadim also loved Jane Fonda.

The result of this love was their  daughter Vanessa Vadim

All these children are brothers and sisters.
Beautiful Relationships


  1. They may have had children by the same man, but it is known that Deneuve wants nothing to do with Fonda or anyone else related to Vadim.

    Catherine was a mere 19 when she had her illegitimate son by Vadim, who was nearly twice her age at the time. They split a month later and barely communicated during the remainer of his life.

    On the other hand, Fonda (who is six years older than Deneuve) remained friends with Vadim until his death and is still very close to what is left of his family.

  2. Thank you for your comment .it is very interesting comment that you did add to my post and your comment is only add some spice to their relationships which certainly weren't simple another their story-tale we didn't like
