Saturday, June 25, 2011

How to Move the Local WordPress blog in your Web server

Let us suppose you want to transfer the local WordPress blog in your computer (http://localhost/test) into your web server at While you can do it at your root directory as well, for the sake of this tutorial, we have chosen as the web address.

Before you read on, here are a few points to take note of
Scenario A: You already have an installed WordPress blog in your web server. You just want to transfer the local blog in the same installation directory ( e.g http://localhost/test >
Scenario B: You do not have an online WordPress blog. You want to transfer the local blog in to a newly created online blog.
Following are the steps involved to perform the migration of your local WordPress blog to your Web hosting account:
1. At first, disable all the plugins in your local WordPress blog.
2. Backing up the database of your Local blog: Next, you need to back up the database of your local WordPress blog. You can use a database back up plugin to back up the database of your local blog or you can back up the database from phpmyadmin as well.
To back up the database from phpmyadmin, open http://localhost/phpmyadmin in your browser and select the database of your local blog (in this case “testblog”).
Navigate to the “Export” tab, keep everything untouched, scroll down and select the checkbox “Save as file”. Then click “Go” and you will be prompted to save the database in Sql format.
3. Very important: Open the database backup file (testblog.sql) in notepad. We have to replace the URL of the blog with the newer url of your blog where you will be mounting the database.
For example : If your local blog’s url is http://localhost/test/ and your web blog url is then you will have to replace every url (http://localhost/test/ with in the database).
Once you open the database file in notepad, search for your local blog’s base url ( in this case it’s http://localhost/test). Replace the Url with the root address of your Web blog. ( Use Ctrl + F to find the local blog’s base URL in notepad and then paste the web blog’s base URL. Next, hit “Replace all” and you are done.
4. Now it’s time to upload all the core WordPress files, themes, plugins etc. Open your FTP program and upload all the files of your local WordPress blog in to your web server
If you already have all the WordPress files uploaded in your web server then no need to upload them again. Just delete the “Wp-content” folder and upload the “Wp-content” folder of your local blog in the respective directory.
It would be better to do a fresh migration and hence it is recomended to delete all the old files and start afresh.
For example : If you want to install WordPress at your web server at then first delete all the files and then upload all the files from C:\wamp\test in that web directory
5. Once the upload is complete, login to the C panel of your web hosting account. We will create a new database and import the database of the local WordPress blog here.
Create a new database in your web hosting account, using the database wizard. Create a new database user and give all the privileges to the user you just created.
5. Open your FTP software and browse to the directory where you have uploaded your WordPress files.
6. Download the wp-config.php file in your computer and open it in notepad for editing
7. The wp-config.php file will still contain the database information of the local blog. You will need to update it with the database information you created in step 2.
Here is how the wp-config.php file looks
8. After updating the wp-config.php file, upload it back at your web server’s WordPress installation directory. ( i.e
9. Now browse to the root of your blog. You will see the installation screen of WordPress.
10. Do not install WordPress from here on. We will mount the database of your local blog in to this database.
11. Open the C panel of your Web hosting account and navigate to PHPMYADMIN.
12. Select the database you created in step 3 from the left pane and click the import tab
13. Click the browse button and upload the database backup of your local blog that you backed up in step 3. Hit “Go “ when done.
14. Hopefully, importing of the database will be successful.
15. Browse to the root of your Web blog. You will see the exact copy of your Local blog in your web server.

Thanks to Ampercent

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